chasing horizons with ramsay banna

Now bring me that horizon!

Captain Jack Sparrow

Chasing horizon photography is an addiction.

There's something irresistible about the horizon -- that far-off line where the sky meets the earth or sea. It beckons us with the promise of adventure and unexplored possibilities. No matter how much ground we cover, the horizon keeps retreating, an elusive destination that dares us to chase it.

The allure lies in its mystery. What wonders await just over that curve of the planet? The human mind is restless, ever curious about what might exist beyond our immediate surroundings. The horizon represents the tantalizing unknown, fueling our imagination and wanderlust.
Admit it, how many terrible pictures have you taken before you capture that amazing horizon you are so proud of.
Don’t stop - as I said, horizon photography is an addiction - the good kind

Ramsay Banna



